Welcome to ELA! We are ecstatic to be your ELA teachers this year and we look forward to a productive and rewarding year! ELA is an integral part of all the learning you will be doing in your other classes. Without solid reading and writing skills, all other learning becomes extremely challenging. Our goal is to help you build on the Reading, Writing, and Language Arts skills you obtained in Elementary School. We will guide you on your path to becoming excellent Readers and Writers!
Meet the Teachers
You are lucky to have three of the best ELA teachers anywhere – Ms. Adger, Mrs. Butler, and Mrs. Gale!
We have worked hard to institute best practices to help you soar! While we set the highest standards and expectations for learning, we also like to make our classrooms interactive and fun. We believe that the skills and strategies you learn this year will help you to be successful in 7th and 8th grade, as well as in High School and beyond.
What to Expect in ELA
Since practice makes perfect, we will read and write daily. You are expected to be responsible for your own learning. That means you stay organized, complete all assignments and turn them in on time, and come to class prepared and ready to learn.
Websites for Help
We will do our best to give you all the support you need in class. Please ask for help when you need it. If there are times that you want more practice with a skill we’re learning, you can visit these websites: